Injury or Illness at School

In case of serious illness or potential serious situations, every effort will be made to contact the parent prior to taking action to obtain medical attention. If the parent is unavailable, medical care will be obtained in the best interest of the child. The school will not be responsible for the costs resulting from these actions.
Please make sure the school has alternative numbers to reach you or someone authorized to make decisions for your child if you are unavailable.
In the case of communicable diseases, injuries, physical, emotional or other situations requiring a doctor's attention, upon the student's return to school, the student (or parent) must present a discharge notice from the doctor allowing the student to return and noting any limitations on the student's ability to fully participate in all activities while at school.
Without any physician's written orders, the student will be expected to fully participate in all such activities.

About Us

We have one school facility, which opened in 2003 and houses both Medford Elementary and Medford High School. 
The mission of Medford Public School is to provide quality education and prepare our children and community for the future.


Mailing Address
Medford Public Schools
750 2nd Avenue SE
Medford, MN  55049